Gatto McFerson has been a pioneer in finance and accounting for over 44 years.
Since 1977, Gatto McFerson has built successful relationships with our clients by offering an unparalleled scope of financial services and guidance to help them navigate the changing dynamic economic environments.
We offer premier financial services, including management advisory support, accounting assistance, tax services, business valuations, and litigation support. Our personalized approach, extensive financial knowledge, and strategic counsel have made us the leading financial services and consulting firm for small businesses.
Invitation – Tax Planning Webinar SCVMA – Tuesday November 14, 2023 12:30 pm
Year-end is fast approaching! Please join us for a 2023 Tax Planning Webinar hosted by the Southern California Veterinary Medical Association.
2023 Year-End Tax Planning and Other Issues
Planning for year-end...
Summer Tax Developments
Recent tax issues you should be aware of...
California Disaster Relief Update – May 2023
Updates and Reminders.
California Disaster Relief – Additional Extension
Further changes to 2023 California Disaster Relief.